Monday, April 29, 2013

Albuquerque....high altitude, dry, clear skies, great views. We had a chance to see a good friend Mark, an artist who moved here from Minnesota three years ago. Enjoyed lunch with him at Mary & Titos Cafe and then visited his studio.

Palette of paint

We also had an opportunity to see a show of Mark's work at a local gallery.

Here are pictures we took in Albuquerque's "Old Town" area.

San Felipe de Neri

Several of our friends had recommended that we see the Acoma Pueblo at Sky City.  We spent several hours touring the Pueblo located on a mesa west of Albuquerque.

Visitor Center at bottom of Mesa
We traveled by bus to the top of the Mesa. A small community of approximately 50 families live on the Mesa full time.  Some work in the surrounding communities during the day and return to the Mesa at the end of the day.

San Felepi De Neri
Views from the Mesa.

View leaving the Pueblo
Off to Santa Fe.

Friday, April 26, 2013

It's a long way across Texas to New Mexico....whew.  Stopped over in Junction, Ft. Stockton and Anthony.  Here are a few pictures we took along the way.....

Campground at Junction, Tx, along the Llano River

Paisono Pete, "probably" the world's largest Road Runner

Makes us glad we had our motorhome to stay in.
Anthony TX, a  parking lot campground with a great view.
And then we crossed into New Mexico.

Our first sighting of the Rio Grande
Las Cruces
Now we are in Albuquerque...more to come.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

We arrived in San Antonio just in time for the kick off to Fiesta.... who knew? Fiesta is an 11 day celebration of the hero's of Texas.  We attended the opening ceremony in front of the Alamo.

Over the two days we were in San Antonio we spent at the Alamo, River Walk, Hemisphere and Marketsquare and other sites.

The following are shots of the Alamo.....

Hero's of the Battle of the Alamo

Cathedral of San Fernando is the oldest cathedral sanctuary in the US and is still an active parish.....

We indulged in some fantastic Spanish food for lunch at Mi Tierra Cafe Y Panaderia in Market Square...

River Walk......took a boat tour.....

La Antorcha de la Amistad (Spanish for "The Torch of Friendship") a gift from Mexico to Texas.....

Hemis Fair Park, the site of the 1968 World's Fair....

On layaway for when Gordon and Michele take up riding the Harley again????

Headed West to Albuquerque......